Regional Alliance for Firefighter Training
5967 Bedford Place, Ann Arbor, MI 48105
(313) 653-2320 • •

Incident Safety Officer Skills Validation Affidavit

 Name: ___________________________________  Last 4 SS#: _______________________________
 Agency: __________________________________  Rank: ____________________________________
 Address: _________________________________  Address 2: _______________________________
 City: _____________________________________  State: _____________     Zip: ________________
 Phone: ___________________________________  Email: ___________________________________
Date of class attendance, if applicable: _____________________________________________________

Required Skill Sheets
Below are your six randomly selected required skill sheet numbers.

Skill sheets can be found at
Applicant's Validation Statement

I verify that I have completed the requisite skill sheets provided by RAFT for my INCIDENT SAFETY OFFICER certification. I am only required to return this affidavit, but I understand that RAFT
or the Pro Board  may conduct random audits, requesting to see the completed sheets.

Applicant's Signature: ________________________________________      Date: _______________
Employer Skills Validation Statement (Required)

I verify that I am a Chief Officer or Supervisor within the above applicant’s agency and that said applicant has  completed requisite skills sheets developed by RAFT as written in NFPA1521-2020

edition Standard for Fire Department Safety Officer Professional Qualifications.

Print Name: __________________________________________________    Title: ________________

Signature: ___________________________________________________      Date: _______________

Return a PDF copy of this completed & signed affidavit to our office via email.
A Pro Board certificate will not be issued until we have the signed Affidavit on-file.

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